The Center for Strategic Thought for Studies, represented by researcher Professor Atiq Jarallah, participated in the “Conference on Building Peace and Security in the Middle East”, which was held in Istanbul and lasted for two days, on April 17-18. On the first day, Mr. Atiq Jarallah presented his paper entitled: “Opportunities and Challenges for Peace in Yemen”. In it, he talked about the history of the conflict and its causes, and referred to the map of influence in Yemen. He concluded his paper by offering some recommendations to stop the permanent conflict in Yemen, as follows: The legitimate authority must intensify its efforts to enhance the influence of the state, and limit the spread of armed groups, even if they are against the Houthi group; The United Nations must also correct the mental image left by previous failures; And last but not least, Professor Ateq stressed the need for Riyadh to realize the danger of the spread of armed groups in Yemen, and the repercussions of the continuation of the Yemeni conflict on its national security.