
The Center signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the Center for Middle East Strategic Studies (ORSAM)






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As part of its strategic plan to expand and activate its relations with international research centers and institutions, the Strategic Thought Center for Studies concluded on Wednesday 06/06/2018 a memorandum of understanding with the Middle East Center for Strategic Studies ORSAM in the Turkish capital, Ankara. This came after continuous communication and consultation between the two sides. The memorandum was signed by Mr. Abdul Karim Al-Hubaishi and Dr. Ahmed Uysal, in the presence of the Public Relations Officer at the Center, Khaled Fatto. The two sides expressed their keenness to activate the terms of the agreement in a way that achieves the common interests of exchanging and translating scientific research, holding seminars, conferences, and training courses in research fields, and exchanging research and advisory experiences and opinion polls.

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