
Slavoj Žižek | The rebellious philosopher

Studies and Research Unit







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Slavoj Žižek is classified as the “pop” or “rock star” philosopher of philosophy and culture, for being the most visible philosopher on the media scene, the most popular intellectual on social media platforms, and the most prolific contemporary philosopher; Cicek made extensive contributions in various fields; Such as: philosophy, political theory, ideologies, political economy, revolutions, democratic transitions, digital technology, and his books have expanded and written in criticism of cinema and literature, in addition to his periodical articles in large media platforms such as the Guardian, Foreign Policy and others.

On various social media platforms, but whoever talks about him finds a capable person who is able to simplify his philosophical ideas to reach different segments of society.

Later, as he follows up on his writings, it becomes clear that this speed does not appear in speech only, but also in writing. The man writes books and articles in a strange abundance. This may happen with many intellectuals and writers, but the abundance is often accompanied by many defects, such as: the dominance of the journalistic dimension over it, He narrates the events without analysis, and digresses in the observations. As for Cicek, there is no contradiction between abundance and depth. His writings are based on a broad engagement with ideology, political theories, and thought in general.

Žižek describes himself as a Marxist thinker. In keeping with his origins in communist-era Yugoslavia, Žižek embraced Marxist-Leninist ideas, which remained present in academia even after they lost their place in the broader political sphere. Žižek revitalized Marxist-Leninist thought through an approach that combined Between philosophy, psychology, film studies, humor and prose.

It may seem surprising that two similar names appear in the writings of this philosopher for two contradictory characters – at least apparently – they are Karl Marx and the film comedian Groucho Marx. The satirist, and his great ability to simplify complex philosophy and politics, can explain why Cicek has such popularity.

Documentary filmmaker Astra Taylor, who made a documentary about Cicek, told the San Francisco newspaper, “Cicek transforms heavy philosophical ideas into something exciting, fun and lively, in a generally anti-intellectual atmosphere.”

This study deals with the most prominent ideas of Slavoj Žižek; It is represented in his broad criticism of capitalism, his vision of the recent global revolutions, uprisings and protests, from the first revolutions of the “Arab Spring” to the “Occupy Wall Street” movement, and his vision of the movements that led these revolutions, and his broad ability to combine the world of ideas, cinema, literature and politics.

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