
The Center signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the Center for Iranian Studies (İRAM)






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On 06/06/2018, the Center for Strategic Thought for Studies signed a memorandum of understanding and cooperation with the Center for Iranian Studies (İRAM). The memorandum was signed by Mr. Abdul Karim Al-Hubaishi, Director of the Center for Strategic Thought for Studies, and Dr. Hakki Uygur, in the presence of Public Relations Officer Khaled Fatto, and the Relations Officer at the Iran Center, Mr. Muhammad Abdul Majid. And that was at the headquarters of the Center for Iranian Studies (İRAM) in the Turkish capital, Ankara. The agreement included research cooperation, exchange or translation of research publications, as well as cooperation in holding scientific conferences and symposiums of common interest, in addition to cooperation in the completion of joint research publications.

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