
The center signs a memorandum of understanding with the Arab Thought Forum

TStrategic Fiker Center Studies signed a memorandum of understanding with the Arab Thought Forum. The memorandum included cooperation in the field of studies and research and the implementation of joint activities. Strategic Fiker Center Studies was signed by Professor Abdel Karim Al-Hubaishi, Director of the Center, and for the Arab Thought Forum,


Iranian Armed Militias in the Arab Region

  This study examines the most inevitable Iranian Shiite militias acting in the Arab geographical space. It defines them from the perspective of their origins, stages of emergence, ideological and doctrinal origins, organizational structure, military capabilities and their internal and external armament sources, specifically the Iranian Ones. Moreover, this study


Civil Transformation in Saudi Arabia: Study on Constituents and Future of Change

This study examines the status-quo of Saudi civil society organizations and focuses on the mechanisms governing the existing foundations. In particular, it focuses on the extent to which these civil society organizations have coped with legislations, demanding roles and changing patterns within the Saudi society. The question of civil transformation


The Center announces the winners of the Center Award for the year 2017-2018

Strategic Fiker Center Studies is pleased to announce the results of the center’s award in its first session for the year 2017-2018, which comes within the framework of motivating young researchers and benefiting from their intellectual and knowledge production, spreading the culture of scientific research and promoting it and consolidating the

المثقفون العرب | دراسة في الحالات والأدوار

Arab Intellectuals: A Study on Models and Roles

study discusses the Arab intellectual elites’ roles before the Arab Spring with a deep review of the conceptual framework of concepts such as culture, intellectual person and elite. It focuses on the interrelationship among the intellectual person, the authority, the state and the society in the Arab world. This study


Future of the Arab Region After the Arab Spring Uprisings

To better understand the evolving changing regional impacts of the Arab Spring uprisings, this study provides an overview of different political implications in the whole Arab region before, during and aftermath the so-called Arab Spring. This study attempts to examine and analyze the political and social conditions surrounding the contexts


The Center signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the Center for Middle East Strategic Studies (ORSAM)

As part of its strategic plan to expand and activate its relations with international research centers and institutions, the Strategic Thought Center for Studies concluded on Wednesday 06/06/2018 a memorandum of understanding with the Middle East Center for Strategic Studies ORSAM in the Turkish capital, Ankara. This came after continuous


Iranian Armed Militias in the Arab Region

  This study examines the most inevitable Iranian Shiite militias acting in the Arab geographical space. It defines them from the perspective of their origins, stages of emergence, ideological and doctrinal origins, organizational structure, military

المثقفون العرب | دراسة في الحالات والأدوار

Arab Intellectuals: A Study on Models and Roles

study discusses the Arab intellectual elites’ roles before the Arab Spring with a deep review of the conceptual framework of concepts such as culture, intellectual person and elite. It focuses on the interrelationship among the
