The Center holds the first workshop to discuss the project (Encyclopedia of Islamic Political Jurisprudence)

Within the framework of its various activities to discuss the project (Encyclopedia of Political Jurisprudence in Islamic Heritage), Strategic Fiker Center Studies held a workshop in the Turkish city of Istanbul, on Friday, September 27, 2019, which included a discussion of the idea of ​​the project, its importance, its methodology, its


Yemeni government in the face of ally coup

The Yemeni government accused the UAE of being behind the military coup of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), which it supports, since 8 August. The coup led to the STC’s control over the camps and government institutions and the interim capital Aden, and the subsequent clashes in the governorates of


UAE-Iranian Rapprochement: Limits and Implications of Understanding

On July 30, a high-level UAE security delegation paid a visit to Iran, which was disclosed by the Iranians. This made the UAE situation very embarrassing, especially as this visit comes amid siege and psychological war on Iran and as UAE is Saudi Arabia’s ally in the confrontation of Iranian influence


US Decision over Golan Heights: Context, Objectives, and Implications

On March 25, 2019, US President Donald Trump signed an executive order stipulating the US recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the occupied Golan Heights in the presence of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who described the decision as “historic” as no former US administration has taken such a step since


Fiker Center participates in the Doha International Book Fair 2018

Based on the center’s strategy in contributing to the dissemination of knowledge, and the embodiment of the intellectual role of Strategic Fiker Center Studies, the Center is participating in the Doha International Book Fair 2018, the 29th session, which started on Thursday, November 29, and will continue until December 08,


Strategic-Fiker-Center-Studies-Participate Strategic-Fiker-Center-Studies-sign-memorandums-of-understanding The Director of the Center participates in the Conference of Research Centers in the Middle East and North Africa

Within the framework of the Research Centers and Civil Society Organizations Program of the University of Pennsylvania, the Director of the Center for Strategic Thought for Studies, Dr. Abdel Karim Al-Hubaishi, participated in the annual conference of research centers in the Middle East and North Africa, which was held in


The Center signs a memorandum of understanding with the Center for Strategic Studies – University of Jordan

Strategic Fiker Center Studies signed a memorandum of understanding with the Center for Strategic Studies of the University of Jordan. The memorandum includes cooperation in the field of studies and research and the implementation of joint activities. Strategic Fiker Center Studies was signed by Professor Abdul Karim Al-Hubaishi, Director of


The Center signs a memorandum of understanding with the Center for Strategic and Diplomatic Studies

As part of its strategic plan to expand and activate its relations with international research centers and institutions, the Center for Strategic Thought for Studies signed, on Monday 08/10/2018, a memorandum of understanding with the Center for Strategic and Diplomatic Studies in the capital, Tunis. This came after continuous communication


Yemeni government in the face of ally coup

The Yemeni government accused the UAE of being behind the military coup of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), which it supports, since 8 August. The coup led to the STC’s control over the camps and


Strategic-Fiker-Center-Studies-Participate Strategic-Fiker-Center-Studies-sign-memorandums-of-understanding The Director of the Center participates in the Conference of Research Centers in the Middle East and North Africa

Within the framework of the Research Centers and Civil Society Organizations Program of the University of Pennsylvania, the Director of the Center for Strategic Thought for Studies, Dr. Abdel Karim Al-Hubaishi, participated in the annual
