The center signs a memorandum of understanding with the Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies

Strategic Fiker Center Studies signed a memorandum of understanding with the Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies. The memorandum included cooperation in the field of studies and research and the implementation of joint activities. Strategic Fiker Center Studies was signed by Professor Abdul Karim Al-Hubaishi, Director of the Center, and for the


Fiker Center participates in the Doha International Book Fair 2018

Based on the center’s strategy in contributing to the dissemination of knowledge, and the embodiment of the intellectual role of Strategic Fiker Center Studies, the Center is participating in the Doha International Book Fair 2018, the 29th session, which started on Thursday, November 29, and will continue until December 08,


The center participates in the Sharjah International Book Fair 2018

Based on the center’s strategy in contributing to the dissemination of knowledge, and in embodiment of the intellectual role of the Center for Strategic Thought for Studies, the Center is participating in the 37th Sharjah International Book Fair 2018, which started on Wednesday, October 31 and will continue until November


The Center signs a memorandum of understanding with the Center for Strategic Studies – University of Jordan

Strategic Fiker Center Studies signed a memorandum of understanding with the Center for Strategic Studies of the University of Jordan. The memorandum includes cooperation in the field of studies and research and the implementation of joint activities. Strategic Fiker Center Studies was signed by Professor Abdul Karim Al-Hubaishi, Director of


The Center signs a memorandum of understanding with the Center for Strategic and Diplomatic Studies

As part of its strategic plan to expand and activate its relations with international research centers and institutions, the Center for Strategic Thought for Studies signed, on Monday 08/10/2018, a memorandum of understanding with the Center for Strategic and Diplomatic Studies in the capital, Tunis. This came after continuous communication


The center signs a memorandum of understanding with the Arab Thought Forum

TStrategic Fiker Center Studies signed a memorandum of understanding with the Arab Thought Forum. The memorandum included cooperation in the field of studies and research and the implementation of joint activities. Strategic Fiker Center Studies was signed by Professor Abdel Karim Al-Hubaishi, Director of the Center, and for the Arab Thought Forum,


The Center announces the winners of the Center Award for the year 2017-2018

Strategic Fiker Center Studies is pleased to announce the results of the center’s award in its first session for the year 2017-2018, which comes within the framework of motivating young researchers and benefiting from their intellectual and knowledge production, spreading the culture of scientific research and promoting it and consolidating the


The Center signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the Center for Middle East Strategic Studies (ORSAM)

As part of its strategic plan to expand and activate its relations with international research centers and institutions, the Strategic Thought Center for Studies concluded on Wednesday 06/06/2018 a memorandum of understanding with the Middle East Center for Strategic Studies ORSAM in the Turkish capital, Ankara. This came after continuous
