The Center holds the first workshop to discuss the project (Encyclopedia of Islamic Political Jurisprudence)

Within the framework of its various activities to discuss the project (Encyclopedia of Political Jurisprudence in Islamic Heritage), Strategic Fiker Center Studies held a workshop in the Turkish city of Istanbul, on Friday, September 27, 2019, which included a discussion of the idea of ​​the project, its importance, its methodology, its


Yemeni government in the face of ally coup

The Yemeni government accused the UAE of being behind the military coup of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), which it supports, since 8 August. The coup led to the STC’s control over the camps and government institutions and the interim capital Aden, and the subsequent clashes in the governorates of


Turkey: The effect of the last municipal elections on the track of the AKP

Turkey has been witnessing successive rounds of presidential and parliamentary elections as well as popular referenda. The most recent of which were the municipal elections held on March 31, 2018. The People’s Alliance, which includes the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and its ally the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP),


Yemeni government in the face of ally coup

The Yemeni government accused the UAE of being behind the military coup of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), which it supports, since 8 August. The coup led to the STC’s control over the camps and
