The future of Iran in the Arab region under Biden’s rule

Iran is looking forward to resuming negotiations with US President-elect Joe Biden on its nuclear program and other files. Similarly, it looks forward to the lifting of economic sanctions after facing four years of pressure during the term of US President Donald Trump, whilst Arab countries affected by Iran’s policies


Impact of US election results on the Arab region and its neighbourhood

On November 3, 2020, the most important elections in the world will take place, where Americans will elect the President of the United States of America. Whilst record numbers registered to participate early in the voting processes across the states, electoral campaigns for the two candidates – Republican President Donald


Covid-19 pandemic: prevalence and implications

Three months after its appearance in China last December, Covid-19 turned from a crisis specific to China, into a global pandemic, according to the World Health Organization on March 11. Before it was classified as a pandemic, Covid-19 had manifested across the globe, in all countries bar 22; and as


Iranian Armed Militias in the Arab Region

  This study examines the most inevitable Iranian Shiite militias acting in the Arab geographical space. It defines them from the perspective of their origins, stages of emergence, ideological and doctrinal origins, organizational structure, military capabilities and their internal and external armament sources, specifically the Iranian Ones. Moreover, this study


Covid-19 pandemic: prevalence and implications

Three months after its appearance in China last December, Covid-19 turned from a crisis specific to China, into a global pandemic, according to the World Health Organization on March 11. Before it was classified as


Iranian Armed Militias in the Arab Region

  This study examines the most inevitable Iranian Shiite militias acting in the Arab geographical space. It defines them from the perspective of their origins, stages of emergence, ideological and doctrinal origins, organizational structure, military
