Yemeni government in the face of ally coup

The Yemeni government accused the UAE of being behind the military coup of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), which it supports, since 8 August. The coup led to the STC’s control over the camps and government institutions and the interim capital Aden, and the subsequent clashes in the governorates of


UAE-Iranian Rapprochement: Limits and Implications of Understanding

On July 30, a high-level UAE security delegation paid a visit to Iran, which was disclosed by the Iranians. This made the UAE situation very embarrassing, especially as this visit comes amid siege and psychological war on Iran and as UAE is Saudi Arabia’s ally in the confrontation of Iranian influence


Yemeni government in the face of ally coup

The Yemeni government accused the UAE of being behind the military coup of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), which it supports, since 8 August. The coup led to the STC’s control over the camps and
