Impact of US election results on the Arab region and its neighbourhood

On November 3, 2020, the most important elections in the world will take place, where Americans will elect the President of the United States of America. Whilst record numbers registered to participate early in the voting processes across the states, electoral campaigns for the two candidates – Republican President Donald


Scopes and consequences of the Turkish-Greek dispute

Tension returned between Turkey and Greece regarding natural gas reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean. The dispute restarted following the signing of the border agreement between Greece and Egypt on August 6, in which Turkey saw a flagrant violation of its continental shelf. This prompted it to announce the return of


The future of the Turkish-Russian agreement in Idlib

Earlier in March, the Turkish army launched its Operation Spring Shield military operation in Syria. This came on the back of the latest military development in Idlib which saw the killing of a number of Turkish soldiers, and saw the Syrian opposition losing large areas it had previously controlled following


Operation Peace Spring between power and diplomacy

On October 9, Turkey launched its third military operation (Operation Peace Spring) in the east of the Euphrates River region in northern Syria, with the aim of establishing a safe zone on its southern borders, about 30-kilometer deep within the Syrian territories, and eliminating the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG).


Beirut explosion and its repercussions on Lebanon

Beirut witnessed an explosion the size of which is unprecedented in Lebanon’s modern history. This occurred when 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate, which had been stored in Beirut’s port since 2014, caused an explosion that extended to at least seven to eight kilometres, with a seismic energy equivalent to 4.5


Turkey: The effect of the last municipal elections on the track of the AKP

Turkey has been witnessing successive rounds of presidential and parliamentary elections as well as popular referenda. The most recent of which were the municipal elections held on March 31, 2018. The People’s Alliance, which includes the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and its ally the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP),


Beirut explosion and its repercussions on Lebanon

Beirut witnessed an explosion the size of which is unprecedented in Lebanon’s modern history. This occurred when 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate, which had been stored in Beirut’s port since 2014, caused an explosion that
