
كيف يفكر الغرب

How Does the West think? An Analytical Study in Western Research Centers



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This study provides readings from within the Western research reality, i.e. the western experience of most of the variables related to the bulk of studies and publications, which reflect in its contents the new forms adopted by the international powers to adapt the research production to the mechanisms of soft power. 

The study delves into other interconnected issues, such as finance, the deep state, political and ideological theories, the legitimization of Western hegemony over the Arab region, and other ‹hidden› agendas. 

The study also seeks to provide the Arab audience (the reader / decision-maker / media …) with reading into the approaches of the internationally leading western research centers and their branches while analyzing the issues of the Arab region (the Arab Spring / Islamists / changing systems/democracy…), through dismantling the objectives and backgrounds of these research centers and deciphering their agendas. 

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Istanbul, Turkey

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