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Saudi Demography



The study develops a complete reading about the Saudi Arabian demographic map, attempting to illustrate an overview about the population in the Kingdom, their religious and sectarian diversity. It also shows the very important aspects of demographic transformations within the Saudi context in order to find out more about where they exist and their common aspects with the existing neighbors. It also takes into consideration, as its essential focusing points, defining its tribal areas and urban areas and showing each region’s cultural and social features.

The study deals with some of the issues and problematics inevitably linked to the development of Saudi society and affected by its demography. In addition, it discusses many issues including citizenship, sectarianism, regional sensitivity, stateless people (Bedoon) and the ethnic minorities in the Kingdom such as Rohingya and others. It also attempts to highlights the pertinence of these issues within a comprehensive approach calling to invest such diversity and manage the plurality of this religious and cultural mixture in a good manner that guarantees its harmonious co-existence and development.

Additional information

Dimensions 24 × 17 cm