
الاستراتيجية الإيرانية في الخليج العربي

Iranian Strategy Towards the Arabian Gulf Region



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This study deals with the nature of the Iranian political system and its structure, in addition to the influential forces affecting the Iranian foreign policy, in general, and towards the Arab Gulf countries in particular. It also reviews the conflicting points and differences among these forces and how this is reflected on the formula of Iranian interaction with the Gulf countries on the level of discourse and practice. The study addresses the constant strategic priorities of the Iranian system, as well as the impact of the regional and international changes on the Iranian strategy towards the Gulf countries and the relations between the two parties with an attempt to understand these changes after the occurrence of the (Arab Spring) that has resulted in a change in the entire regional equation and the understanding of the nature of current relations, in addition to recognizing the results of these relations and their expected paths and effects on the whole region. 

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Istanbul, Turkey

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