The Center participates in the fourth annual conference under the title “Governance and Political Authority in the Islamic World”

  Strategic Fiker Center Studies, represented by researcher Ali Jabali, participated in the fourth annual conference, organized by the Center for Islam and Global Affairs (CIGA), in Istanbul, from 12 to 18 December 2020, under the title “Governance and Political Authority in the Islamic World: Discussing Theories and Studying Policies.”

السعوديون الشيعة .. الفكرة والإشكالات

Saudi Shiites: Concept and Problematics

This study provides a detailed explanation of the Saudi Arabian Shiites in terms of its geography, history and culture and the interaction among these different dimensions. It analyzes both the nature of relationships between the Shiites and the Saudi state in its successive stages on one hand, and the Shiites

تنظيم الدولة

Daesh (ISIS): An Analytical Study on Discourse Structure

The study aims to understand the political and intellectual project of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). It further highlights its approach through a profound reading of its media discourse through both qualitative and quantitative analysis of numerous materials published by ISIS in its intellectual and political literatures

حزب العدالة والتنمية التركي .. دراسة في الفكرة والتجربة

Turkish Justice and Development Party … Study on Idea and Experience

This study examines the political style of the Turkish Justice and Development Party and its management tactics for the internal and external variables. This study strives to review and analyze the administrative structure of the party, its organizational constituents, communication channels and both of decision-making forces and mechanisms. It is


Seeking a New Intellectual Vision: Questions about the Islamic Project

From different angles and theoretical perspective, this study discusses a series of issues regarding the Islamic project. It deals with both of the controversial questions such as nation, humanity and society and those concerning the central significance of the project itself such as approach, loyalty and structure.  This study is


New Views about Secularism, Religion and Democracy

This study responds to a range of contemporary controversial debates about the questions of secularism, Islam and democracy. It deals with secularism from a theoretical perspective and discusses its complex intellectual conceptualizations, linguistic signifiers through tracing the emergence of both its most pivotal narratives and theorists of the modern times.

في فقه الدين والسياسة

In the Jurisprudence of Religion and Politics

This study examines the doctrine of Islamic Jurisprudence by outlining a series of issues discussed in relation with jurisprudence and politics. Many related questions are explained, in part, such as the principle of Islamic Jurisprudence (Usul Al-Fiqh), Jurisprudence of purposes (Fiqh Al-Maqasid) and Sunnah. This study addresses the influence of


سؤالات في المنهج .. مقاربات أصولية وفكرية لإشكالاتنا المعاصرة

سؤالات في المنهج مقاربات أصولية وفكرية لإشكالاتنا المعاصرة تحاول هذه الدراسة الإجابة عن عدد من الأسئلة المتعلقة بالمنهج في الخطاب الديني، ومنها سؤال التجديد وسؤال التفكير النقدي ومدى علاقته بالجدل الأصولي، وكذا التساؤلات المتعلقة بالفهم والممارسة والعلمانية والتاريخ والأخلاق والدولة والطائفة، وسؤال الزمان وسؤال المكان، إضافة إلى تساؤلات العقل العربي

كيف يفكر الغرب

How Does the West think? An Analytical Study in Western Research Centers

This study provides readings from within the Western research reality, i.e. the western experience of most of the variables related to the bulk of studies and publications, which reflect in its contents the new forms adopted by the international powers to adapt the research production to the mechanisms of soft


Alawite State … Al –Assad’s Last Option

This study provides a historical overview on the ruling family in Syria and the role of the Alawite sect that has made this family take over the reins of power, and then it reviews the events that happened after March 2012,11, tackling the sectarian plan and the beginning of its

السعوديون الشيعة .. الفكرة والإشكالات

Saudi Shiites: Concept and Problematics

This study provides a detailed explanation of the Saudi Arabian Shiites in terms of its geography, history and culture and the interaction among these different dimensions. It analyzes both the nature of relationships between the


New Views about Secularism, Religion and Democracy

This study responds to a range of contemporary controversial debates about the questions of secularism, Islam and democracy. It deals with secularism from a theoretical perspective and discusses its complex intellectual conceptualizations, linguistic signifiers through

في فقه الدين والسياسة

In the Jurisprudence of Religion and Politics

This study examines the doctrine of Islamic Jurisprudence by outlining a series of issues discussed in relation with jurisprudence and politics. Many related questions are explained, in part, such as the principle of Islamic Jurisprudence


سؤالات في المنهج .. مقاربات أصولية وفكرية لإشكالاتنا المعاصرة

سؤالات في المنهج مقاربات أصولية وفكرية لإشكالاتنا المعاصرة تحاول هذه الدراسة الإجابة عن عدد من الأسئلة المتعلقة بالمنهج في الخطاب الديني، ومنها سؤال التجديد وسؤال التفكير النقدي ومدى علاقته بالجدل الأصولي، وكذا التساؤلات المتعلقة بالفهم
